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Piping Plover Beach Club

The Plover Beach Club is located on the Gulf of Mexico and will be highly visible from U.S. Highway 98, which forms it’s northern boundary. The 2,200 s.f. Club consists of women’s and men’s toilet and shower facilities, bar, meeting room, kitchen facilities, 13,650 s.f. exterior deck and a hot tub/spa. The construction cost is anticipated to be approximately 2.5 million dollars. The building has been placed with its long axis in the east/west direction for energy efficiency and also to capture the outstanding views of the Gulf of Mexico. The structure is cast-in place concrete piles which will allow minimum impact to the natural environment. Platforms of varying heights make a gentle transition down to the beach, following the natural contour of the existing landscape. A galvanized metal roof, consisting of a combination of corrugated and standing seam profiles, acts as an “umbrella” protecting separate building volumes below. These discrete volumes are positioned in such a manner as to allow controlled views to the Gulf of Mexico from the north entry. The overall form of the building emphasizes the horizontal ground plane, in an effort to replicate the natural horizon line of the Gulf front waters.

© EMI architects. All rights reserved.

(850) 222-7442 

251 E 7th Ave | Tallahassee, FL | 32303

Lic #s: AA C000409   IBC000153

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